CCTS, CDS, CTP and electrical switchboards

Production of electrical equipment

Production of complete transformer substations (CTS)

Complete transformer substations (CTS)

ENGINEERING EAD offers a wide variety of CTS, which can be concrete (CCTS) and metal (MCTS). The offered CCTSs are in two main varieties - monolithic and panel. Monolithic CCTSs consist of 2 or 3 parts, including a roof and a foundation. Panel CCTSs can be produced in any size, and the foundation is usually offered separately. The variety of CCTSs types allows us to meet the requirements of different electricity distribution companies: CEZ, Elektrorazpredelenie Yug, Elektrorazpredelenie Sever, EVN Macedonia, CEZ Romania, Elektrika Romania.

Production of complete distribution switchgear (MV switchgear)

Distribution substations (DS)

ENGINEERING EAD has been producing complete distribution systems (CDS) for the needs of the Bulgarian market since 2014. In recognition of the experience gained and high quality production, in 2018 ENGINEERING EAD received a license from Schneider Electric for the production of CDS series SM6.
The new generation of SM6 complete distribution system under license from Schneider Electric covers the most important customer requirements for safety, reliability, flexibility and connectivity of devices.

Production of electrical switchboards

Over the years ENGINEERING EAD has established itself as a preferred company for the production of various types of electrical switchboards. Our switchboards are used in power distribution and transformer stations, in case of need for reactive power compensation, for remote control, in construction and operation of photovoltaic power plants, in shipbuilding, for engine management.

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